Waiverelectronic is powerful in tattoo release forms app.

Zulu Tattoo

200 E. Live Oak St., Bldg. 2B, Austin, TX 78745

Waiver, Release, and Consent to Tattoo Procedure

I acknowledge by signing this agreement that I have been given the full opportunity to ask any and all questions which I might have about the obtaining of a tattoo and that all of my questions have been answered to my full satisfaction. I specifically acknowledge I have been advised of the facts and matters set forth below and I agree as follows:

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By Signing this agreement, I represent and warrant that I have carefully read and fully understand this Agreement and its final binding effect, that I have been advised to and afforded sufficient time and opportunity to review this Agreement and had an opportunity to discuss and/or negotiate the terms of this Agreement, that I am fully competent to manage my own business affairs and to enter into this Agreement, and that I have signed this Agreement knowingly, freely, and voluntarily.

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