Online repair waiver form is essential for service business.

Problem Solved PC Repair/ IT Equipment Repair and Agreement Liability Waiver

The undersigned authorizes Problem Solved PC Repair to perform work on the following IT equipment:

Terms of Service:
Please read each item and provide your signature on the second page to acknowledge acceptance of the terms of service.

Estimated Completion Time: Problem Solved PC Repair will provide an estimated completion time for your IT equipment service and will contact you once work is complete. Please contact us if you require an updated estimated completion time. Unforeseen circumstances may have an impact on our ability to complete the repair(s) as provided in the estimate.

Impact of Upgrades: Please be advised that it is your responsibility to understand the impact of upgrades to the operating system, applications and utility software. Such upgrades can lead to incompatibilities and the possible loss of data. Computer hardware and software work together and incompatibility may not become apparent until a later date. You are responsible for contacting the manufacturer of your software regarding compatibility issues before you request any upgrades.

Liability: Problem Solved PC Repair liability for damage to your IT equipment is limited only to any damage which is
determined to be caused by Problem Solved negligent acts or negligent omissions. Our liability for repairs is limited to the total price of the repairs. Be aware that certain repairs, including but not limited to virus and spyware removal, may damage software and/or data installed on your computer. This is to be expected and may require the re-installation of your operating system, programs, and data.

Loss of Data: Data is the most important part of a computer system because it is often irreplaceable. Due to the process of repair, data may get damaged or at worst, deleted. Problem Solved PC Repair will not accept liability for any loss of data as a result of computer repair request. You are responsible for backing up your own data.

Ownership: You must own the IT equipment that you bring in for repair(s). An exception will be made for Level 1’s or others who are authorized to represent the owner upon proof. Problem Solved will return the IT Equipment only to its owner when the repair(s) are complete. You must own and demonstrate ownership of any software that is to be installed or re-installed on your computer by Problem Solved by bringing in the original Software CDs and the appropriate keys and/or serial numbers.

Privacy: Our Technicians will not browse through your hard drive looking at your data; however, they may inadvertently see data during the course of their work. Please remove any personal or private files you do not want others to see. Additionally Problem Solved may be required to report illegal content including unlicensed software or data such as images or videos to law enforcement agencies if discovered.

Right to Refuse: In its sole discretion, Problem Solved reserves the right to refuse work that it believes is beyond the scope of its ability or for other good cause.

Abandonment: If you do not pick up your equipment within ninety (90) days after we notify you that the requested service is complete, we will treat your equipment as abandoned. You agree to hold the University harmless for any damage or claim for the abandoned property. Any and all charges are still your responsibility. Unpaid bills for student owned items will be transferred to Financial Services and added to your account.

Scope of Work: Problem Solved will only perform the work agreed upon when you bring your IT equipment in for repair. You must authorize, in writing, any additional work which may be required.


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