Online skin care waivers and online release forms will save time and money in handling waivers.

Skin History and Consent Form

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Health Related Questionnaire
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*Remove contacts if eyes are sensitive or if having a microdermabrasion

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*If so, your service may have to be rescheduled

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*May increase sensitivity

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Skin Care Questionnaire
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Have you had any of the following:

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What products/brands are you using?

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Skin Condition
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    • The Skin Occasions Treatment you will receive is a clinical treatment designed to exfoliate or remove the outer layers of the skin.

  • Your participation in your skin care treatments will determine the outcome. It is important that you strictly adhere to your home care products that your esthetician has recommended.

  • No guarantee is expressed or implied as to the precise results, peeling times, or discomfort.

  • Depending on the treatment, you may experience some temporary stinging or warm flushing. This will fade within 5 minutes. During the next few hours, you may experience some tightening of the skin, which may last for several days.

  • For most patients, a light flaking begins within 48 hours. It is impossible to pre-determine how much peeling will occur. The shedding process usually subsides within 2-3 days.

Please Initial (Please Read Carefully)

Prior to receiving treatment, I have been candid in revealing any condition that may have bearing on this procedure, such as: pregnancy, recent facial surgery, allergies, tendency to cold sores/fever blisters, or use of topical and/or oral prescription medications.

I understand there may be some degree of discomfort such as stinging, pin-pricking sensation, heat or tightness

I understand there are no guarantees as to the results of this treatment, due to many variables, such as age, condition of skin, sun damage, smoking, climate, ect.

I understand I may or may not actually peel and that each case is individual. I understand that the amount of the peeling does not correlate with degree of improvement.

I understand this treatment is a cosmetic treatment and that no medical claims are expressed or implied.

I understand that to achieve maximum results, I may need several treatments.

I understand that although complications are very rare, sometimes they may occur and that prompt treatment is necessary. In the event of any complications, I will immediately contact the esthetician whom performed the treatment.

I agree to refrain from tanning in tanning beds or outdoors while I am undergoing treatment and during the 14 days prior to, and following the end of the treatment.

I understand that extended direct sun exposure is prohibited while I am undergoing treatment, and the daily use of sunscreen protection with a minimum of SPF 30 is mandatory.

I have not had any other chemical peel of any kind within 14 days of this treatment. I further understand I cannot have another chemical peel within 14 days of this treatment at this location or any other location.

I understand I should follow my esthetician’s recommendations for post-treatment skin care to minimize side effects and maximize results.

Initial Here
Please click the yellow area and provide your initials here.
Consent (Please Sign)

I hereby give my consent and authorization voluntarily and release Skin Occasions staff from any claims, implied or stated that I have or may have in the future with this treatment, regardless of result. I am stating that the treatment and precautions above have been explained to me in detail and that I fully understand.

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