Minor First and Last Name: *
Please enter your name.
Parent/guardian name: *
Please enter your full name.
Email: *
Please enter your email.
Phone number: *
Please enter your phone number.
Occupation: *
Please enter your answer here.
Ethnicity/nationality: *
Please enter your answer here.
How did you discover us? *
Please select at least one choice above.
Have you received a facial treatment before? If so, what have you received? *
Please enter your answer here.
When was the last time you received a facial treatment? *
Please enter your answer here.
What is your monthly budget for skin care treatments/products? *
Please select at least one choice above.
What concerns do you have with your skin? *
Please select at least one choice above.
Please list your current morning routine. *
Please enter your answer here.
Please list your current night routine. *
Please enter your answer here.
Do you lay out in the sun or use tanning booths? *
Please enter your answer here.
Do you use sunscreen? When? What SPF rating? *
Please enter your answer here.
Are you currently using Retin-A, Renova, Adaphalene, Retinol or any Vitamin A products? *
Please select at least one choice above.
If you're using a Vitamin A product, how long have you been using it and how frequently? *
Please enter your answer here.
Do you pick at your skin? *
Please enter your answer here.
Have you received any injections like Botox, Restylane, Juvederm etc. on the area that is being treated in the last two weeks? *
Please select at least one choice above.
Have you waxed, shaved or used any depilatory methods on the area that is being treated within the last 3 days? *
Please select at least one choice above.
How many cups of water do you drink daily? (1 cup = 8 ounces) *
Please enter your answer here.
Do you drink coffee, tea or soda? How many cups per day? *
Please enter your answer here.
How many alcoholic beverages do you consume weekly? *
Please enter your answer here.
Do you follow a restricted diet? Explain: *
Please enter your answer here.
Do you smoke tobacco or marijuana products? *
Please enter your answer here.
Do you exercise? How often? *
Please enter your answer here.
What is your normal stress level? *
Please select at least one choice above.
How many hours do you sleep each night? *
Please enter your answer here.
Do you spend time outside? (Beach, gardening, exercise, walk dogs, etc.) *
Please enter your answer here.
Please list any and ALL known allergies including foods & cosmetics: *
Please enter your answer here.
Do you currently have or have experienced any of the following?
Please select at least one choice above.
Please list any other health conditions that might affect your treatment: *
Please enter your answer here.
Are you currently taking any of the following medications?
Please select at least one choice above.
Please list any other medication that might affect your treatment: *
Please enter your answer here.
Please list any over-the-counter medications you take regularly (including vitamins & supplements): *
Please enter your answer here.
Do you currently have any injuries including cuts, bruises or broken bones that need to be avoided? Explain: *
Please enter your answer here.
Are you currently on any type of birth control? (Pills, IUD, Shots etc.)
Please select at least one choice above.
If yes, what type of birth control are you using?
Please enter your answer here.
List any recent changes to your birth control:
Please enter your answer here.
Are you currently pre-menopausal or in menopause?
Please select at least one choice above.
Are you pregnant or trying to become pregnant?
Please select at least one choice above.
Are you currently breast feeding?
Please select at least one choice above.
I understand, have read and completed this questionnaire truthfully. I agree that this constitutes full disclosure, and that it supersedes any previous verbal or written disclosures. I understand that withholding information or providing misinformation may result in contraindications and/or irritation to the skin from treatments received. I am aware that it is my responsibility to inform the esthetician of my current medical or health conditions and to update this history. I will inform the esthetician of any changes to my medication or health. The treatments I receive here are voluntary and I release this institution and/or skin care professional from liability and assume full responsibility thereof.
By checking this box I understand, have read and completed this questionnaire truthfully. *
Please check it here.
Parent/guardian signature: *
Please sign here.