Group Evaluation

Due to limited seating, please complete your invitation to the upcoming live event by selecting the link below. Once completed, you will have a secured seat for the upcoming Group Evaluation. 

Please ensure you only register if you have full intention on attending.

An email will be sent to you with detailed information. Please show this email at the registration table upon arrival. 

The idea of going into business for yourself, defining success on your own terms, & gaining more personal independence are all very powerful motivators for your personal life & professional career. However, with so many “opportunities” available, it’s prudent for you to educate yourself on determining which of these opportunities are legitimate & line up with your personal value system & goals.


The purpose of our educational process, which includes this upcoming discussion, is to help you evaluate this option on its merit & to determine whether or not a future partnership is mutually beneficially for you & for those bringing you through this educational process. It’s our intent to evaluate, identify, partner, & ultimately develop leaders who can take control of their financial future through a proven business model & authentic mentorship. We‘ve found that taking our time on the front end to build layers of understanding before a decision on a potential partnership is made will allow full comprehension & personal responsibility to be cultivated.


This event is for those who have been invited by a current business partner of ours who have had some conversations with you leading up to tonight. Although several things will be discussed, including a breakdown of the compensation plan, this will not answer all your questions; a follow up with the person who invited you is recommended if you desire to move forward in the educational process. 


In the end, while no one can promise you any level of success, our goal is to educate & prepare people for business ownership. Ultimately, as in anything, your success depends primarily on your personal effort & commitment. At any point, one or both parties involved may conclude that a partnership is not the right option, in which this is a favorable outcome & ultimately a time saver for all. So as we move forward, let’s do so with an open mind & with full transparency on whether this is a good fit.

Group Evaluation Mar 6